Alienvault OSSIM install on XCP-ng
This is a guide on how to install Alienvaut OSSIM on XCP-ng (or Xenserver).
First download the .iso for OSSIM
Then create a new VM with the type Debian 9 Stretch
Allocate a minimum of 4 vcpu and 8gb RAM
Its bestter to also use as much SSD storage as you can allocate, 500 GB +
Also 2 network cards with one preferably mapped to a physical device with connected to a Monitor port on a switch (Intel NICs usually yield the best results)
Grub will fail so to remedy we have 2 options;
- Press
to get a console prompt - Press
to activate console chroot /target grub-install /dev/xvda
- You can run the following command to link xvda to sda as this seems to be hardcoded in the grub install script
ln -s /dev/xvda /dev/sda
Once completed you should be able to access the Machine on https://{ip-address} then username will be whatever you chose in setup and use the password used in setup.